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Sonic TNR Adventures



In 2023, WCHS trapped cats located at Sonic in Sparta.  Sonic has provided food, water and shelter for these cats, and asked us to help these felines in order to stabilize the colony.  As often happens, we had one feline we named “Gray Kitty” who was determined not to walk into a trap.  We were fearful that this girl was in heat!  After numerous attempts at setting up traps daily, we decided to condition (train) the cats to enter the traps.  They were placed next to their shelter, with both ends securely tied open.  Food was placed in the center of the open-ended traps.  The cats were able to enter and exit at will, consuming the food without being caught.  After learning they could feast on the food provided, we reset the traps. Gray Kitty went for the tuna fish and was captured.

                                                         Gray Kitty’s adventure continued as she went for a car ride to a volunteer's

                                                         house, was settled in for the night, given soft linens to sleep on, water and food

                                                         until midnight, and puppy pads that could be changed out as needed. 

                                                         At midnight, her food had to be removed, due to her scheduled surgery the next

                                                         day. Gray Kitty was transported to the Joy Clinic in Lebanon to be spayed/neutered.

                                                         A rabies vaccine and Revolution (flea and tick preventative) will be administered.

                                                         She was ear tipped.  (A small tip of the left eat is removed to let people know she                                                            has been spayed).  At the end of the day, she was transported back to Sparta.

She recuperated after surgery, for 24 plus hours before her release back into the

colony.  Gray Kitty had deluxe accommodations with food, water, bedding, litter box

and blankets covering her temporary housing, to help her feel protected and secure. 

When released back to the colony, she took off in a flash!  Now, many

months later, she appears to be healthy and even allows her caregivers to pet her

now and then, when she comes to eat.


Thank you, Sonic, for caring for these felines!


Thank you, Joy Clinic, for partnering with WCHS to care for our community cats!!

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